My Quiz

하나)The person who tagged you

둘)Your relationship with him/her
Friend.. (??)

셋)Your first impression of him/her
Hmmm,,, She is an elf?? *hahahahaha*

넷)Your most memorable with him/her
I don't have

다섯)The most memorable you said to him/her
Ha??? nothing...

여섯)If him/her becomes your lover

일곱)If him/her becomes your lover, what would you like him/her to improve on
It will never happen!!

여덟)If him/her becomes your enemy, what will you do
I don't know. But i don't hope that can be

아홉)If him/her becomes your enemy, what will be the reason
Hoo?? scramble to get SuJu Member??? *LOLS*

열)Your most desired thing you want to do for her now
eu~~mm,, be a friend?? *bukannya udah?*

열하나)Your overall impression of him/her
nice person..

열둘)The characteristic you love most about yourself
Love other.. lol

열셋)The characteristic you hate most about yourself
Can't be honest to myself

열넷)The most idea person you want to be
Me, myself

열다섯)For people that care and like you, say something to them
정말 고마워요!!! Thank you so much...

열여섯)Pass this quiz to 10 people who you want to know how they feel about you.
1) Asa
2) Andhit
3) Bat onni
4) Gabby
5) Shevatya onni
6) Shinta onni
7) Tiphi
8) Piia
9) grz
10) shella

열일곱)Who is 6 having relationship with?
Kyu~~ hahahahahahaha

열여덟)Is 9 a female/male?

열아홉)If 7 & 10 are together, would it be a good thing?
maybe (??)

스물)What is 2 studying at the moment??
*hard thinking* she not study.. just enjoy her holiday.. hahaha. Right, ndhit??

스물하나)When was the last time you chat with 3?
last night

스물둘)What kind of music does 8 like?

스물셋)Does 1 have siblings?
a young sister and..

스물넷)Will you woo 3?
뭐?? NO!!!

스물다섯)How about 7?

스물여섯)Is 4 single?
I don't know. Maybe no~

스물일곱)What is the sir-name of 5?
He??? 몰라~~ I don't know

스물여덟)What is the hobby of 5?
Look for SuJu's info

스물아홉)Do 5&9 get along well
I Think they don't even know each other

서른)Where is 2 studying at?
Jakarta,, hahaaha

서른하나)Say something casual about your eyes
Nyo~~ my eyes.. little small *doeng*

서른둘)Have you develop feelings for 5?
We are elf.. Super Junior addict

서른셋)What color does 4 like?
Gabby.. *call gabby* pink??

서른넷)Are 5 & 1 good friends?
yes?? at least they are not an enemy.. hahahahaaa

서른다섯)Does 7 like 2?
in what sense?? if just like.. I think, yup~~

서른여섯)How do you get to know 2?
My forum's friend

서른일곱)Does 1 have any pets?

서른여덟)Is 7 the sexiest person in the world?
HAH??? no..

서른아홉)How is 7 related to you?
my chat's friend

마흔)Describe 1
she is~~~ little crazy..
No, she is crazy...


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