I realize that my life always run away like a watch.
And now, I am a student of one university in my country...
I mean,,, I'm not a high school student any more...
I'm 18 yo
know*how old i am*

I feels like yesterday i still in my class room in a high school
with my teacher and friends,,
together learn about something..
sometimes be serious,, and another time make a joke...

But now,,,

I sit on my chair at a class in one university..
I am is a college student in STAIN Pontianak (Sekolah Tinggi Agama Islam Negeri,red)
everybody is new for me..
the friends.. and the teacher...
oops.. i mean the lecturer.

Honestly,, i miss.. my high school..
but i guest it's just my feeling in a moment..

my life will go on

my past will be a beautiful memory
i promise that i will still keep that in my mind,, in my heart...
and i will take my more beautiful future...

fighting,,, myself!!!!


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