Comic ; Runway Sweetheart 1 by Shibano Yuka, Tanaka Wataru

Runway Sweetheart 1Runway Sweetheart 1 by Shibano Yuka
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Yui Niizato, seorang top model terkenal di Jepang. Takdir memperkenalkannya dengan Aki Yanagida, calon model yang polos, ceria, dan suka ceplas-ceplos. Apakah yang akan dilakukan oleh sang top model ketika perhatian, karir dan cinta mulai direbut darinya?

Inilah kisah persahabatan antara dua gadis remaja yang berjuang untuk meraih bintang dan cinta di dunia model!!!

this one is the second manga about modeling I ever read. The first one was Charming Junkie.. I prefer Charming Junkie, but also like this manga. The pink cover is so cute, simple, yet eye-catchy. And I like the clothes! Think to re-draw them all lol

View all my reviews

  Runway Sweetheart 1

Runway Sweetheart 2

Runway Sweetheart 3


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