Novel Review; The Avery Shaw Experiment by Kelly Oram

The Avery Shaw Experiment by Kelly Oram

 Judul Buku : The Avery Shaw Experiment
 Penulis : Kelly Oram

Penerbit : Bluefields  
Tebal : 278 halaman
 ISBN : 9780985627737

The Avery Shaw ExperimentWhen Avery Shaw’s heart is shattered by her life-long best friend, she chooses to deal with it the only way she knows how—scientifically.

The state science fair is coming up and Avery decides to use her broken heart as the topic of her experiment. She’s going to find the cure. By forcing herself to experience the seven stages of grief through a series of social tests, she believes she will be able to get over Aiden Kennedy and make herself ready to love again. But she can’t do this experiment alone, and her partner (ex partner!) is the one who broke her heart.

Avery finds the solution to her troubles in the form of Aiden’s older brother Grayson. The gorgeous womanizer is about to be kicked off the school basketball team for failing physics. He’s in need of a good tutor and some serious extra credit. But when Avery recruits the lovable Grayson to be her “objective outside observer,” she gets a whole lot more than she bargained for, because Grayson has a theory of his own: Avery doesn’t need to grieve. She needs to live. And if there’s one thing Grayson Kennedy is good at, it’s living life to the fullest.

cc: goodreads

My Rating

I love this novel!!
Awalnya pingin baca novel satu ini karena di suggested sama beberapa blogger yang saya ikutin blognya. Katanya bagus. Mulailah saya untuk men-check reviewnya di goodreads ini. Dan -ohlala- ternyata ada dua authors favorite saya yang juga sudah baca. Dan tanggapannya juga bagus. I believe their viewpoint(s), anyway. Yakinlah saya untuk ikutan membaca. And IT IS reaaly bagooos, girls. LOL

4,5 stars

Well, Let say Avery is really really lucky... She have Grayson when Aiden pissed her off, break her heart. And when she break her own heart with denial for fall into Greyson, she have Aiden.. So envy.

Back to review..
Jadi, novel ini bercerita dari dua sudut pandang, Avery Shaw dan Grayson Kennedy. Tentang bagaimana mereka -Avery and Grayson- berupaya untuk nge-fix Avery's broken heart. Bagaimana caranya? Based on Avery's teori sih, dengan melalui semua tahap dari the 7 stages of grief. wich are shock/disbelief, denial, bargaining, guilt, anger, depression, and acceptance/hope. And, yes, ini tahap yang sama yang dihadapi pasien paliatif dalam menghadapi kematian -yang kapan tahun itu pernah saya baca waktu mengerjakan tugas dari dosen psychology-.

Is it work? Tentunya. Dan ceritanya pun mengalir apik banget dalam irama yang manis. Somehow, bikin ngak tahan buat ngedevour novel ini dalam sekali baca.


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