Movie Review; The Conjuring

The Conjuring

 pict : Wikipedia

Wiki Plot

In 1971, Carolyn and Roger Perron move into a dilapidated farmhouse in Harrisville, Rhode Island with their five daughters. During the first day, their move goes smoothly, though their dog, Sadie, refuses to enter the house and one of the daughters finds a boarded up entrance to a cellar.
The next morning, Carolyn wakes up with a mysterious bruise and to find Sadie lying dead outside the house. Over the next several days, various instances of paranormal disturbance occur. The activity culminates one night while Roger is away in Florida, when Carolyn is locked in the cellar and a spirit that looks like an elderly woman attacks one of her daughters.
Carolyn contacts noted paranormal investigators Ed and Lorraine Warren for help. The Warrens conduct an initial investigation and conclude that the house may require an exorcism, though this cannot be done without further evidence and authorization from the Catholic Church.
While researching the house's history, Ed and Lorraine discover that the house once belonged to an accused witch, Bathsheba, who tried to sacrifice her children to the devil and killed herself in 1863 after cursing all who would take her land. The property was once 200+ acres but has since been divided up into smaller parcels. They find reports of numerous murders and suicides in houses that have since been built upon parcels that were once part of the property.
Ed and Lorraine return to the house in an attempt to gather evidence to receive authorization for an exorcism. One of the daughters, Cindy sleepwalks into her sister's room and reveals a secret passage behind a wardrobe. Lorraine enters the passage and falls through the floorboards into the cellar, where she sees the spirits of people whom Bathsheba has possessed. All are mothers whom Bathsheba used to kill their children. Another of the Perron children is violently attacked and dragged along the floor by an unseen force.
While the Perron family takes refuge at a hotel and Ed and Lorraine take their evidence to the Church to organize an exorcism, their daughter is attacked in their own home by the spirits from the Perron house.
Carolyn, who was earlier possessed by the spirit of Bathsheba, takes two of her daughters, Christine and April, and drives back to the house. Ed, Lorraine, two of their assistants and Roger rush to the house where they find Carolyn trying to stab Christine. After subduing Carolyn, Ed decides to perform the exorcism himself, though Carolyn escapes and again attempts to kill her other daughter, April. Lorraine is able to temporarily distract the possessed Carolyn from killing her daughter by reminding her of a special memory she shared with her family, allowing Ed to complete the exorcism, saving Carolyn and her daughter.

cc: wikipedia

My Rating


Siapa yang bilang The Conjuring ini nggak begitu menyeramkan? Heh,, besar sekali nyali orang itu.
Jadi begini, Jum’at lalu, saya dan seorang teman pergi ke bioskop dengan rencana nonton seri pertama dari The Mortal Instrumen. Eh, nggak tahunya itu film belum nongol ternyata. Jadi, karena sudah kepalang basah sampai disana, akhirnya setelah capcipcup-kembang kuncung di depan kasir, kami memutuskan untuk nonton The Conjuring.
Tanpa persiapan mental, masuklah kami ke salah satu teather yang ternyata hanya keisi kurang dari setengahnya saja.
Dan ternyata filmnya bagus. Well, perlu diketahui bahwa saya bukan penggemar film horror, tapi dengan suka rela saya beri lima 4,5 bintang untuk film ini.
Ceritanya ada sepasang suami istri Warren yang bisa mengusir setan. Eh, bukan mengusir juga sih. Sebenarnya mereka hanya membantu untuk membersihkan seseorang atau suatu tempat dari gangguan dan aura negatif makhluk ‘lain’.
Hingga sutau hari mereka bertemu dengan Perron Keluarga ini baru pindah kesebuah rumah. Sialnya, rumah itu ternyata milik seorang penyihir bernama  Bathsheba yang mati bunuh diri demi menyatakan cintanya kepada iblis.
Wi,, mulai dari situ bertambah serulah perjalanan ceritanya. Intinya, siapakah yang menang dalam pertarungan manusia v.s kekuatan iblis ini?  Bathsheba ini energinya luar biasa lho. Soalnya dia sudah dapat banyak korban selama sekian tahun belakangan. Mulai dari pengorbanan yang dilakukan dengan membunuh anaknya sendiri. Hingga dengan merasuki para ibu yang pernah tinggal di rumah  Bathsheba sebelum Perron agar mau membunuh anak-anak mereka.

Keren. Saya sampai mau nangis saat tiba-tiba ada hantu yang nongol gitu aja dan dengan nggak sopannya lompat dari atas lemari muka saya. Kearah kamera lebih tepatnya.
Dan buat yang sudah memutuskan untuk nonton film ini, Good Luck!! hihiyy


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